LGPA needs your knowledge and experience.
Membership with the Local Government Paralegal Association provides a forum for local government paralegals to exchange ideas and share information and professional experiences unique to a local government office. Members have the opportunity to obtain continuing education and professional development in their specific areas of practice, as well as learn about what’s going on generally in the paralegal profession. Membership benefits include an annual educational conference and the opportunity to network with other local government paralegals.
LGPA has the following four classes of members:
Active Members: A paralegal employed by any city, county, town, school district, and/or government office located within the Commonwealth of Virginia. All Active Members shall have all the rights and privileges of this Association, including the right to vote and hold elected or appointed office. $75 per year.
Associate Members: A paralegal employed by (1) other government entities concerned with one or more facets of municipal law; or (2) private attorneys whose practice involves municipal law. Associate Members shall have all the rights and privileges of this Association, including the right to vote and hold elected or appointed office. $75 per year.
Sustaining Members: Any individual, company or institution supporting the goals and objectives of LGPA may become sustaining members with the approval of the Board of Directors and upon payment of annual dues. Sustaining Members shall have all the privileges of this Association, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold elected or appointed office. $80 per year.
Retired Members: Any paralegal who was a former active or associate member in good standing and has since retired. Retired Members shall have all the privileges of this Association, except that they shall not have the right to vote or hold elected or appointed office. $50 per year.
Dues are for January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.
To join LGPA, please complete a membership application and return it, along with the appropriate dues, to Lisa Luck, Vice President and Chair of Membership, c/o Virginia Beach City Attorney’s Office, Municipal Center Building 1, Room 2098, 2401 Courthouse Drive, Suite 2098, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456. Email: lluck@vbgov.com. Phone: (757) 385-4531.